If you love to ski fast then we have just the program for you – the CSTC race team. We are a bunch of kids who like to ski race for fun and want to get better and faster. We will travel as much as you want to out of town events (focusing on the northern tech race series)and will always compete in our home town races.
Race Team will consist of skiers aged 8+ who have some experience skiing. On Saturdays and/or Mondays Race Team members will either ski with their SDP groups or they may break out in to a race team group. It will depend on participants and available coaches.
You are not obligated to come to all the session but it is highly recommended that you ski as much as possible to improve endurance and skill.
Level 4, Track Attack and Race Team will split the season between classic skis and skate skis. Renting classic skis for the rental shop is fine. It is recommended, especially if your skier wants to race a lot. Classic waxed skis or skin skis offer better performance than fish scales.
Racers needing equipment benefit from the Rocky Peak equipment
ordering day in early October.
For more information, contact Sunshine Borsato – sunshineborsato@hotmail.com
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