The snow is coming, just not in time for Saturday Dec 9th!
Don’t worry, it will be here but while we wait a bit longer for the snow to come, here is a bit of information so we are ready for Bunnies, Jackrabbits, Track Attack and the Jackalope ski season.
Start date is changed from Saturday, December 9/17 and Monday, December 11/17 – we will now start Saturday, December 16/17 and Monday, December 18/17 no matter what!!! We will have fun games and activities to play regardless with a special Christmas party planned December 18/17 for all kids whether you are a Saturday or Monday skier!
- Ski fittings at the rental shop – Thursday, December 7th 4-8 pm
- Coach meeting at the lodge – Thursday, Dec 7th 7-8 pm.
- Snow dancing and snow wishing every day please!!
Please review the attached SDP schedule and the attached SDP rental information. More information will be available on our new CSTC website and SDP page very soon. Note free/reduced rental incentives attached!